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!dataver 201804 [Info] N You Raise Me Up S Unknown C -- LA -- MA -- G1 #6D4C41 G2 #BDBDBD [Para 1A 主歌] L 55.2 When I am down L - 当我失意低落之时 L 58.4 and, oh my soul, so weary; L - 我的精神是那么疲倦不堪 L 63.8 When troubles come L - 当烦恼困难袭来之际 L 67.0 and my heart burdened be; L - 我的内心是那么负担沉重 L 72.4 Then, I am still L - 然而我默默的伫立 L 75.6 and wait here in the silence, L - 静静的等待 L 81.0 Until you come L - 直到你的来临 L 84.3 and sit awhile with me. L - 片刻地和我在一起 [Para 2A 副歌] L 89.5 You raise me up, L - 你激励了我 L 92.9 so I can stand on mountains; L - 故我能立足于群山之巅 L 98.3 You raise me up, L - 你鼓舞了我 L 101.5 to walk on stormy seas; L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 L 106.9 I am strong, L - 在你坚实的臂膀上 L 110.1 when I am on your shoulders; L - 我变得坚韧强壮 L 115.5 You raise me up: L - 你的鼓励 L 119.0 To more than I can be. L - 使我超越了自我 [Para -- 间奏] L 125.5 - - - - - - - [Para 2A 副歌] L 140.7 You raise me up, L - 你激励了我 L 144.1 so I can stand on mountains; L - 故我能立足于群山之巅 L 149.1 You raise me up, L - 你鼓舞了我 L 152.5 to walk on stormy seas; L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 L 157.9 I am strong, L - 在你坚实的臂膀上 L 160.8 when I am on your shoulders; L - 我变得坚韧强壮 L 166.5 You raise me up: L - 你的鼓励 L 169.6 To more than I can be. L - 使我超越了自我 [Para 2A 副歌] L 178.7 You raise me up, L - 你激励了我 L 181.7 so I can stand on mountains; L - 故我能立足于群山之巅 L 186.7 You raise me up, L - 你鼓舞了我 L 189.7 to walk on stormy seas; L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 L 195.3 I am strong, L - 在你坚实的臂膀上 L 198.3 when I am on your shoulders; L - 我变得坚韧强壮 L 203.0 You raise me up: L - 你的鼓励 L 206.2 To more than I can be. L - 使我超越了自我 [Para 2A 副歌] L 211.1 You raise me up, L - 你激励了我 L 214.3 so I can stand on mountains; L - 故我能立足于群山之巅 L 219.3 You raise me up, L - 你鼓舞了我 L 222.3 to walk on stormy seas; L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 L 227.8 I am strong, L - 在你坚实的臂膀上 L 230.9 when I am on your shoulders; L - 我变得坚韧强壮 L 235.5 You raise me up: L - 你的鼓励 L 238.7 To more than I can be. L - 使我超越了自我 [Para 0A 结束段] L 247.2 You raise me up: L - 你的鼓励 L 252.1 To more than I can be. L - 使我超越了自我 [Final 262.5]

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Compilation Results

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Minified LRC File

1| [ti:You Raise Me Up]
2| [ar:Unknown]
3| [al:--]
4| [by:Music Archive]
5| [offset:0]
6| [00:00.000]You Raise Me Up - Unknown
7| [00:55.200]When I am down
8| [00:58.400]当我失意低落之时
9| [00:58.401]and, oh my soul, so weary;
10| [01:03.800]我的精神是那么疲倦不堪
11| [01:03.801]When troubles come
12| [01:07.000]当烦恼困难袭来之际
13| [01:07.001]and my heart burdened be;
14| [01:12.400]我的内心是那么负担沉重
15| [01:12.401]Then, I am still
16| [01:15.600]然而我默默的伫立
17| [01:15.601]and wait here in the silence,
18| [01:21.000]静静的等待
19| [01:21.001]Until you come
20| [01:24.300]直到你的来临
21| [01:24.301]and sit awhile with me.
22| [01:29.500]片刻地和我在一起
23| [01:29.501][02:05.501][02:20.700][02:58.701][03:31.101][04:07.201][04:22.501]
24| [01:29.502][01:38.301][02:20.701][02:29.101][02:58.702][03:06.701][03:31.102][03:39.301]You raise me up,
25| [01:32.900][02:24.100][03:01.700][03:34.300]你激励了我
26| [01:32.901][02:24.101][03:01.701][03:34.301]so I can stand on mountains;
27| [01:38.300][02:29.100][03:06.700][03:39.300]故我能立足于群山之巅
28| [01:41.500][02:32.500][03:09.700][03:42.300]你鼓舞了我
29| [01:41.501][02:32.501][03:09.701][03:42.301]to walk on stormy seas;
30| [01:46.900][02:37.900][03:15.300][03:47.800]故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
31| [01:46.901][02:37.901][03:15.301][03:47.801]I am strong,
32| [01:50.100][02:40.800][03:18.300][03:50.900]在你坚实的臂膀上
33| [01:50.101][02:40.801][03:18.301][03:50.901]when I am on your shoulders;
34| [01:55.500][02:46.500][03:23.000][03:55.500]我变得坚韧强壮
35| [01:55.501][02:46.501][03:23.001][03:55.501][04:07.202]You raise me up:
36| [01:59.000][02:49.600][03:26.200][03:58.700][04:12.100]你的鼓励
37| [01:59.001][02:49.601][03:26.201][03:58.701][04:12.101]To more than I can be.
38| [02:05.500][02:58.700][03:31.100][04:07.200][04:22.500]使我超越了自我
39| [02:05.502]- Break -
40| [04:22.502]- End -

Standard contents only, with minified lines.
API Method: Append ?raw&lrc=minified&delta=#&comment=#&precision=# for raw content.
Example: GET

Extended LRC File

1| [ti:You Raise Me Up]
2| [ar:Unknown]
3| [txmp_la:--]
4| [txmp_ma:--]
5| [al:--]
6| [by:Music Archive]
7| [offset:0]
8| [00:00.000]You Raise Me Up - Unknown
9| [txmp_para:1A 主歌]
10| [00:55.200]When I am down
11| [00:58.400]当我失意低落之时
12| [00:58.401]and, oh my soul, so weary;
13| [01:03.800]我的精神是那么疲倦不堪
14| [01:03.801]When troubles come
15| [01:07.000]当烦恼困难袭来之际
16| [01:07.001]and my heart burdened be;
17| [01:12.400]我的内心是那么负担沉重
18| [01:12.401]Then, I am still
19| [01:15.600]然而我默默的伫立
20| [01:15.601]and wait here in the silence,
21| [01:21.000]静静的等待
22| [01:21.001]Until you come
23| [01:24.300]直到你的来临
24| [01:24.301]and sit awhile with me.
25| [01:29.500]片刻地和我在一起
26| [01:29.501]
27| [txmp_para:2A 副歌]
28| [01:29.502]You raise me up,
29| [01:32.900]你激励了我
30| [01:32.901]so I can stand on mountains;
31| [01:38.300]故我能立足于群山之巅
32| [01:38.301]You raise me up,
33| [01:41.500]你鼓舞了我
34| [01:41.501]to walk on stormy seas;
35| [01:46.900]故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
36| [01:46.901]I am strong,
37| [01:50.100]在你坚实的臂膀上
38| [01:50.101]when I am on your shoulders;
39| [01:55.500]我变得坚韧强壮
40| [01:55.501]You raise me up:
41| [01:59.000]你的鼓励
42| [01:59.001]To more than I can be.
43| [02:05.500]使我超越了自我
44| [02:05.501]
45| [txmp_para:-- 间奏]
46| [02:05.502]- Break -
47| [02:20.700]
48| [txmp_para:2A 副歌]
49| [02:20.701]You raise me up,
50| [02:24.100]你激励了我
51| [02:24.101]so I can stand on mountains;
52| [02:29.100]故我能立足于群山之巅
53| [02:29.101]You raise me up,
54| [02:32.500]你鼓舞了我
55| [02:32.501]to walk on stormy seas;
56| [02:37.900]故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
57| [02:37.901]I am strong,
58| [02:40.800]在你坚实的臂膀上
59| [02:40.801]when I am on your shoulders;
60| [02:46.500]我变得坚韧强壮
61| [02:46.501]You raise me up:
62| [02:49.600]你的鼓励
63| [02:49.601]To more than I can be.
64| [02:58.700]使我超越了自我
65| [02:58.701]
66| [txmp_para:2A 副歌]
67| [02:58.702]You raise me up,
68| [03:01.700]你激励了我
69| [03:01.701]so I can stand on mountains;
70| [03:06.700]故我能立足于群山之巅
71| [03:06.701]You raise me up,
72| [03:09.700]你鼓舞了我
73| [03:09.701]to walk on stormy seas;
74| [03:15.300]故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
75| [03:15.301]I am strong,
76| [03:18.300]在你坚实的臂膀上
77| [03:18.301]when I am on your shoulders;
78| [03:23.000]我变得坚韧强壮
79| [03:23.001]You raise me up:
80| [03:26.200]你的鼓励
81| [03:26.201]To more than I can be.
82| [03:31.100]使我超越了自我
83| [03:31.101]
84| [txmp_para:2A 副歌]
85| [03:31.102]You raise me up,
86| [03:34.300]你激励了我
87| [03:34.301]so I can stand on mountains;
88| [03:39.300]故我能立足于群山之巅
89| [03:39.301]You raise me up,
90| [03:42.300]你鼓舞了我
91| [03:42.301]to walk on stormy seas;
92| [03:47.800]故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
93| [03:47.801]I am strong,
94| [03:50.900]在你坚实的臂膀上
95| [03:50.901]when I am on your shoulders;
96| [03:55.500]我变得坚韧强壮
97| [03:55.501]You raise me up:
98| [03:58.700]你的鼓励
99| [03:58.701]To more than I can be.
100| [04:07.200]使我超越了自我
101| [04:07.201]
102| [txmp_para:0A 结束段]
103| [04:07.202]You raise me up:
104| [04:12.100]你的鼓励
105| [04:12.101]To more than I can be.
106| [04:22.500]使我超越了自我
107| [04:22.501]
108| [txmp_final:04:22.500]
109| [04:22.502]- End -

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Example: GET

Source File

1| !dataver 201804
2| [Info]
3| N You Raise Me Up
4| S Unknown
5| C --
6| LA --
7| MA --
8| G1 #6D4C41
11| [Para 1A 主歌]
12| L 55.2 When I am down
13| L - 当我失意低落之时
14| L 58.4 and, oh my soul, so weary;
15| L - 我的精神是那么疲倦不堪
16| L 63.8 When troubles come
17| L - 当烦恼困难袭来之际
18| L 67.0 and my heart burdened be;
19| L - 我的内心是那么负担沉重
20| L 72.4 Then, I am still
21| L - 然而我默默的伫立
22| L 75.6 and wait here in the silence,
23| L - 静静的等待
24| L 81.0 Until you come
25| L - 直到你的来临
26| L 84.3 and sit awhile with me.
27| L - 片刻地和我在一起
29| [Para 2A 副歌]
30| L 89.5 You raise me up,
31| L - 你激励了我
32| L 92.9 so I can stand on mountains;
33| L - 故我能立足于群山之巅
34| L 98.3 You raise me up,
35| L - 你鼓舞了我
36| L 101.5 to walk on stormy seas;
37| L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
38| L 106.9 I am strong,
39| L - 在你坚实的臂膀上
40| L 110.1 when I am on your shoulders;
41| L - 我变得坚韧强壮
42| L 115.5 You raise me up:
43| L - 你的鼓励
44| L 119.0 To more than I can be.
45| L - 使我超越了自我
47| [Para -- 间奏]
48| L 125.5 - - - - - - -
50| [Para 2A 副歌]
51| L 140.7 You raise me up,
52| L - 你激励了我
53| L 144.1 so I can stand on mountains;
54| L - 故我能立足于群山之巅
55| L 149.1 You raise me up,
56| L - 你鼓舞了我
57| L 152.5 to walk on stormy seas;
58| L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
59| L 157.9 I am strong,
60| L - 在你坚实的臂膀上
61| L 160.8 when I am on your shoulders;
62| L - 我变得坚韧强壮
63| L 166.5 You raise me up:
64| L - 你的鼓励
65| L 169.6 To more than I can be.
66| L - 使我超越了自我
68| [Para 2A 副歌]
69| L 178.7 You raise me up,
70| L - 你激励了我
71| L 181.7 so I can stand on mountains;
72| L - 故我能立足于群山之巅
73| L 186.7 You raise me up,
74| L - 你鼓舞了我
75| L 189.7 to walk on stormy seas;
76| L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
77| L 195.3 I am strong,
78| L - 在你坚实的臂膀上
79| L 198.3 when I am on your shoulders;
80| L - 我变得坚韧强壮
81| L 203.0 You raise me up:
82| L - 你的鼓励
83| L 206.2 To more than I can be.
84| L - 使我超越了自我
86| [Para 2A 副歌]
87| L 211.1 You raise me up,
88| L - 你激励了我
89| L 214.3 so I can stand on mountains;
90| L - 故我能立足于群山之巅
91| L 219.3 You raise me up,
92| L - 你鼓舞了我
93| L 222.3 to walk on stormy seas;
94| L - 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面
95| L 227.8 I am strong,
96| L - 在你坚实的臂膀上
97| L 230.9 when I am on your shoulders;
98| L - 我变得坚韧强壮
99| L 235.5 You raise me up:
100| L - 你的鼓励
101| L 238.7 To more than I can be.
102| L - 使我超越了自我
104| [Para 0A 结束段]
105| L 247.2 You raise me up:
106| L - 你的鼓励
107| L 252.1 To more than I can be.
108| L - 使我超越了自我
110| [Final 262.5]

Compilation Info

0310_1/lyric.txt @ L1-L2
1> !dataver 201804
· Notice: Line 1 - The version of file is 201804, while the latest is 201805. This probably means that the file is outdated.
2> [Info]